Tuesday, September 9, 2014

4 Tips of Marketing in Digital Era

Life for marketers used to be simpler.  We had just a few TV channels, some radio stations, a handful of top magazines and a newspaper or two in each market.  Reaching consumers was easy, if you were able craft a compelling message, you could move product.
Ugh!  Now we’ve got a whole slew of TV channels, millions of web sites and hundreds of thousands of “Apps” along with an alphabet soup of DMP’s, API’s and SDK’s. Marketing was never easy, but technology has made it a whole lot tougher.
What used to be a matter of identifying needs and communicating benefits now requires us to build immersive experiences that engage consumers.  That means we have to seamlessly integrate a whole new range of skills and capabilities.   It’s easy to get lost among a sea of buzzwords and false gurus selling snake oil. Here are 4 principles to guide you: